Transitioning from Synthetic Air Fresheners to Essential Oils: A Functional Nutritionist’s Journey to Health and Healing

As a functional nutritionist, I’ve dedicated my career to helping individuals optimize their health through natural, holistic approaches. One area that often goes overlooked is the impact of household products on our well-being. Recently, I embarked on a journey to reassess the air fresheners in my own home after uncovering research linking them to endocrine disruption and other health concerns.

In this blog post, I’ll share my insights as a functional nutritionist and detail my transition from synthetic air fresheners to essential oils, supported by credible references.

The Hidden Dangers of Synthetic Air Fresheners:

Synthetic air fresheners like Glade Plugins may seem harmless, but they often contain a slew of toxic chemicals that can negatively impact our health. Research has shown that these products emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), phthalates, and synthetic fragrances, which can disrupt hormonal balance, exacerbate respiratory issues, and even contribute to autoimmune dysfunction (Steinemann, 2019; Wallace, 2020). As a functional nutritionist, I recognize the importance of reducing our exposure to these harmful substances to support overall health and well-being.

I couldn’t believe it! My house was FILLED with these seemingly harmless fragrances as pictured above.

My Awakening:

Discovering the Truth About Synthetic Air Fresheners: My journey began when I stumbled upon studies highlighting the adverse health effects associated with synthetic air fresheners. As someone who specializes in autoimmune dysfunction, I was particularly alarmed by research linking these products to autoimmune disorders (Kumar et al., 2019). This revelation prompted me to reassess the products in my own home and seek out safer alternatives that align with my functional nutrition philosophy.

Time to toss the Toxins!

Incase you’re wondering, YES, I THREW out EVERYTHING!

Making the Switch to Essential Oils:

Essential oils emerged as a natural and effective alternative to synthetic air fresheners. Derived from plants and renowned for their therapeutic properties, essential oils offer a chemical-free way to freshen the air and promote wellness. Studies have shown that certain essential oils possess antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and stress-reducing properties, making them a valuable addition to any holistic health regimen (Lis-Balchin, 2020; Shutes, 2016). By incorporating essential oils into my daily routine, I’ve been able to create a healthier home environment for my family while supporting my health goals.

My Journey to Healing:

Since transitioning to essential oils, I’ve witnessed a profound improvement in my own health and the health of my family. By eliminating synthetic air fresheners from our environments, we’ve reduced our exposure to harmful chemicals and created a space conducive to healing. Essential oils have become a cornerstone of my functional nutrition practice, offering natural solutions for everything from stress management to immune support. As a functional nutritionist, I’m committed to empowering others to make informed choices that prioritize their health and well-being.

In Conclusion

Transitioning from synthetic air fresheners to essential oils has been a transformative experience for me both personally and professionally. As a functional nutritionist, I’ve seen firsthand the impact that small changes in our environment can have on our health. By embracing natural alternatives and reducing our exposure to harmful toxins, we can support our bodies’ innate healing mechanisms and cultivate a space where wellness thrives. I invite you to join me on this journey to health and healing, one drop of essential oil at a time.


  • Kumar, P., Caradonna, T., & Miele, L. (2019). Autoimmune thyroiditis and environmental pollutants. Journal of Chemistry, 2019.
  • Lis-Balchin, M. (2020). Aromatherapy Science: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals. Pharmaceutical Press.
  • Shutes, J. (2016). The Art, Science, and Business of Aromatherapy: Your Guide for Personal Aromatherapy and Entrepreneurship. J. Shutes.
  • Steinemann, A. (2019). Fragranced consumer products and effects on asthmatics: an international population-based study. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 12(8), 889-898.
  • Wallace, J. (2020). Environmental Exposures and Autoimmune Disease: A Comprehensive Review. Autoimmune Diseases, 2020.

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